The 1045 series encompasses all 4.900” bore space BBC based blocks. They are all splay cap blocks with the 10.375” DRCE pan pattern. End rails are Chevy style and distributors are Chevrolet position only. Deck heights vary from 9.00” to 11.625”. Check with our engineering department to see if we have your height, or you may pay for a special deck height.
- Premium CN Billet material
- CNC machined by CN Blocks
- Includes block, caps, main studs, and sleeves installed
- 4.900” bore spacing
- Deck heights: 9.0” to 11.625”
- 4.900 special head bolt pattern
- Chevrolet main size
- Aluminum main caps
- Splay bolt main caps (front four)
- 1/2” main studs
- Cam heights: +.400”, +600”, or +1.0”
- Several cam tunnel sizes available
- Several lifter angles and spacing available
- Lifter sizes: .904”, .936”, 1.0”, or 1.062”
- Jesel keyway bushings available
- Stock BBC distributor location or delete distributor
- Priority main based oiling
- Special CN cam oil cross
- #12 AN oil inlet
- Utilizes remote filter
- DRCE oil pan pattern
- Dual starter bosses